Thursday, July 21, 2011

What "The Fellowship" Means To Me

As a born-Christian, meaning I was born into a Christian family, I always knew about the Holy Spirit (HS). Not only did I know who the HS was, but also what the HS did for me. My whole life I had thought of the HS as this ghost who lived inside my heart and acted as my conscience between right and wrong. Although, I was partly right in thinking that I also was missing a major part of the story. Having the HS in me was experiencing the presence of God!! 

Have I been living my whole life as if God were inside me? Absolutely Not! 
Have I taken advantage of the HS inside of me? Absolutely! 
Did reading the book God is Closer Than You Think change my whole perspective of the HS? You betcha'!

When I read about Ortberg's perception of the HS I was fascinated. God's gift to us when He returned to heaven after His resurrection was the HS. At first he gave it the the apostles and it appeared as a tongue of fire above their heads! How cool is that!? Now anyone is able to access the HS. We have a free and everlasting connection to God! Available 24/7/365! All we have to do is lift a finger. 

How did this change the way I think? I now feel so ungrateful for having the HS with me 24/7/365 and not appreciating the presence I am in. I have God all in the palm of my hand and I did nothing to earn it. God has given me the miracle of the HS, and I couldn't ask for anything more. 

And yet, we are human. We forget how precious the life we have is. We forget to give thanks for the things we have gotten so used to having. We forget that we are constantly in the presence of God. 
"What if God has been speaking to you, calling your name — only you didn't know it"               — God is Closer Than You Think, John Ortbert

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